Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hubby Tag
Ok, so here it goes..
What is his name? Bryon

How long have you been together? We have been married for about 10 1/2 years, but have known each other for 14 years and I waited for him for 2 years while on his mission.

How long did you date? Well I waited 2 years for him while he was on his mission. He came home in November, engaged in March and then married in July.
How old is he? 33
Who eats more? Definitly him
Who said, Him
Who is taller? Him
Who sings better? Him, I hum. :)

Who is smarter? Bryon with out a doubt, but I like to say that I am smart in certain areas too.

Who does the laundry? I do, when I do it. I HATE DOING laundry, I just seem to buy more clothes.

Who pays the bills? Both

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. It just so happened that the basinet was alway on the left side, so we switched.

Who mows the lawn? We both do, but I try to do it so we can spend more time together on the weekend.

Who cooks dinner? Me- usually, but he likes to help out at times.

Who drives?I DO. I am not a good back seat driver and he normally likes to talk and his speed goes down. :)
Who is more stubborn? I think that would be me.
Who kissed who first?It was mutual

Who asked who out first? I think we both assummed because we had been awa from each other so long. That was him when he came home from his mission. He did ask me to dinner.

Who proposed? He did

Who has more siblings? He does. I have 1 sister and he has a brother and a sister.
Who wears the pants? It depends on the issue at hand - but I would say that I have final say, but we like to say he does.

Now I pass this little game on to: Christina and Julie...TAG, your it!!!!

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