Monday, December 1, 2008

New for me.

I have been wanting for a while to create one of these blogs for those that are so far away. I am sure this will be as addicting as Facebook and Myspace is. :) I have found many people on here that we have lost contact with and it has been great to see that everyone is doing well and has such beautiful families.

I will share a little about our family. My husband Bryon and I just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary in July. Bryon works at Xavier University and is also working on his MBA. He is a WONDERFUL husband and father. I have truly been blessed by being married to him. I am a stay at home Mom, Which I think is the hardest job ever and the most rewarding. We have three beautiful children. Our oldest is Jacob-8, he is to smart for his own good, I will be very surprised if he is not an lawyer when he grows up. He loves his sisters and is a big help to us and a protector. Then there is Katelyn-6, she is our "pop star." She is actually very shy, but we wouldn't know it. She loves Hannah Montana, drawing, cooking, and boy does she loves to sing (especially Primary songs). Lastly there is our little Sophia-2, She is a stinker!! She is into everything (I thought boys were bad) She is very shy though and is a Mommy and Daddy's girl (it depends on the day) She loves to steal crayons, sing, and play with her friends.

I will get on here and share pics with friends and family as often as I can. We have a very busy life with activites, work, school, and callings, so please bear with me.


Kelly and Dane Valatka said...

Its lookin good! Keep it up...

Christina said...

Welcome to my world of blogging! I am so glad that you have started one! I am excited to keep updated on your family happenings! love ya

Mimi said...

Fun to find your blog - you have such a cute family!